Yay!!!! Oya Come Chop is one today! This time last year, ChiO clicked that button to set up www.oyacomechop.com, and we have not regretted it since. Let 2016 be the year that you click those dream buttons and begin to live out your dreams.
Tag: FalkSalt
5min Zucchini Noodles
Yay! We made it to the last day of 2015! How gracious is our God!!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thank you very much for your support these past months! Oya Come Chop started out in January 2015, some of us met few months later (virtually 🙂 ), and it feels like we have know each other for quite a bit.
Chicken & Apple Hand Pies
Have you started thinking about your thanksgiving menu? These savory hand pies are the perfect meal starters. The chicken can be substituted for smoked turkey, minced goat and even tofu.
Salted Caramel Chicken
Hi Friends, Happy Monday! **long post alert**
How was your weekend? Mine was busy and fun filled. On Saturday, we had the honor of providing small chops at princess Z’s first birthday party. Thank you for choosing us Dr. E. It was a beautiful party.