Orange + Almond Puffs

These puff are pillowy soft, super delicious and easy to make. They will be a perfect dessert for your next event.

We started off with a modified version of 9ja Foodies superb puff puff recipe. That recipe is a winner all the time. You should try it.

We made half of the recipe using about 2tbsp extra water, only 1/4 cup of sugar, 1 tsp natural orange extract and 1/2 tsp natural vanilla extract.

The sauce and almonds are the magic of this dessert.

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As soon as the puffs are cooked following 9jaFoodies recipe, roll them in the sauce, and the almonds.


You may toast your almonds for an extra umph. Ensure you use caracara oranges… those things have to be nature’s way of helping us avoid candy :).

Orange + Almond Puffs
  • Fresh hot puffpuff (using 9jaFoodie's recipe).
  • 3 tbsp Agave nectar.
  • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed caracara orange juice.
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds.
  1. Mix the juice and agave nectar together until a light syrup is formed.
  2. Roll the hot puffs in the syrup.
  3. Immediately roll the syrupy puffs in the almonds.
  4. Pour any extra syrup all over the covered puffs.
  5. Serve immediately.

Check out how stretchy and fabulous the puffs look…

Ensure you dip in some syrup for maximum enjoyment :).


I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Oya Come Chop! 🙂

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